
发布于 2021-07-23 / 2087 阅读





  • Graduated with a Bachelor's in Mechatronic Engineering and a Master's in Software Engineering. Now I am working as a software engineer.
  • Proficient in multiple programming languages including Java, python,JavaScript/TypeScript, C# and C.
  • Hands-on experience with machining techniques such as cutting, milling, planing, grinding, and additive manufacturing. Familiar with CNC programming.
  • Versed in embedded development; have worked with hardware-in-the-loop simulation platforms, C51 microcontroller, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi.
  • Skilled in Unity 3D; contributed to the creation of a robot simulation platform built on Unity 3D.
  • Knowledgeable in computer vision; secured a patent during an internship in this domain.
  • Efficient and innovative, developed Python scripts to expedite assignments in machine design and data processing.
  • Continuously seeking to grow and enhance software engineering capabilities.
  • Current goal:do my jobs well.

  • 从郊区工厂传统工科提桶跑路;
  • 国内高校机械电子工程本科;海外高校软件工程硕士;现为软件工程师于海外工作;
  • 掌握编程技能,于Java, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, C, C#有所涉猎;
  • 了解基本机械制造工艺(车铣剪刨磨),增材制造,数控机床编程。会基本车床操作。
  • 了解嵌入式编成;做过半实物运动仿真平台,调试过C51单片机,Arduino及树莓派和其几个拓展版;
  • 了解Unity 3D,参与过基于Unity的机器人仿真项目;
  • 了解机器视觉,在实习有过软著,有相关文章发表;
  • 正在努力提升技术能力和交流能力;
  • 当前目标:把活干好。

Information of Deployment

  • SpringBoot + FreeMarker + HTML;
  • Cloudflare + AWS:

996_worker_org_arch.drawio (1).png







欸,我说年轻人,你们去过工厂梅油,塔们说,油,然后开始描述厂子剁么剁么不好,听他们这么一讲,百多斤的英国大力士进了厂,都撑不住。我就说:“越老越吃香,三百六十行,行行出状元,你们过得不好是你们能力不行”,他们啪一下就站起来了,很快啊,然后上来就是 一个左正蹬,一个右鞭腿,一个左刺拳,我全部防出去了啊。防出去以后自然是,传统功夫,点到为止。


  • 从制造大国迈向制造强国,工匠精神不可或缺。每到工厂密集招工的节点,“技工荒”的讨论时常在舆论场上浮现,“年轻人不愿去工厂”的发问引人深思。撑起中国制造业的未来,离不开一批技能卓越、经验丰富的产业工人。培育和弘扬工匠精神,不仅需要在政策引导上下力气,也需要不断完善绩效激励机制,让新一代技术工人增强劳动的获得感和回报,让工匠身份真正赢得社会的尊崇与向往。

  • 制造业的高质量发展,需要青年的力量和担当。社会正处于从制造大国迈向制造强国的阶段,为实现“制造2025”的高质量发展,这代青年使命在肩,奋斗在我。

  • 三十年河东三十年河西。其他专业都是明日黄花,尤其是某计算机专业,夕阳产业,青春饭,唯有制造业是越老越吃香。

窝还没有说完,塔们中的两个,一个叫作“实习”,另一个叫作“校招”,突然袭击,啪啪地用巴掌来打我脸。啊,我大意了啊,没有闪。欸,当时就流眼泪了。 我说停停停, 然后两分钟以后,就好了。我说小伙子啊,你不讲武德,你不懂。他说:“别看你四年学了百八十门课程,拿个八九十分绩点,得到个本科学位,除了画个CAD,其他的,啥都会一点儿,可啥都没学精。人家要你是看得起你,做题家鳖不识好歹,自以为是。”看来,塔们是有备而来。


Note: The following article incorporates memes and expressions from Chinese Internet culture, which might seem unfamiliar or perplexing. Feel free to skip the article below if it does not resonate with you.

Hey, hello friends, I am a fourth-grade student, Morishita. Suburban factories, electric scooters, and hard beds are your best big brothers. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us, we will kindly tell you.

Just now, a friend asked me what happened. I asked what was going on, and he sent me a few screenshots. When I looked, it turned out that at the beginning of the year, China Youth Daily's "Wang Zhongde" published an article titled "Young People Go to Manufacturing", which stated:

"Young people take over 'Made in China' and need to stimulate innovative consciousness, cultivate innovative thinking, keep manufacturing innovation in tune with the times, and strive to be skilled craftsmen of the new era."

What does this mean? It signifies the greatness of the manufacturing industry! At that time, this information was widely shared by workers, and everyone saw it. They said that factories are dirty, the work is tiring, and the pay is low. One person commented, "Working in a factory is like refining one's blessings, it ruins life." Many are looking for ways to escape online.

Hey, I asked these young people if they had been to factories. They replied they had and then started describing how the factory is not good. Listening to them, even a strong British man weighing more than a hundred pounds would not endure working there. I told them, "Experience is valued, and among all professions, there's always a top performer. If you're not doing well, it's due to your lack of ability." They immediately stood up and swiftly attacked me with a front kick, a side whip kick, and a jab. I defended against all of them. With traditional martial arts, the rule is to stop upon making contact.

I continued, blaming others will lead you nowhere, and pessimism leads to a dead-end. We don't know what tomorrow will be like, and there's no shortcut to outpacing others. What we can do is to keep learning and stay focused. Only high performance matters. Most of you are from 985 universities and are leaders in the manufacturing industry. Leadership means taking the lead and motivating others. Responsibilities are heavy, but learning shapes the future. Today, I'd like to share three thoughts with you:

  1. To transform from a major manufacturing country to a powerful manufacturing nation, the spirit of craftsmanship is indispensable. Every time factories are hiring in bulk, discussions about the "shortage of skilled workers" arise, and the question of "why young people are reluctant to work in factories" is thought-provoking. The future of Chinese manufacturing depends on skilled and experienced industrial workers. We need policies to cultivate the spirit of craftsmanship and performance incentives to make technicians feel valued and respected in society.

  2. The high-quality development of the manufacturing industry requires the strength and commitment of the youth. We are transitioning from a major manufacturing country to a powerful one, and this generation has a mission to ensure the high-quality growth of "Made in China 2025". The struggle is real.

  3. Industries shift over time. Some, like certain computer specialties, may wane, but manufacturing grows more valuable with age.

Before I could finish, two of them, named "Internship" and "Campus Recruitment", suddenly attacked, slapping me in the face. I wasn't prepared and shed tears. I said stop, and after two minutes, I was okay. I told them that they were not being ethical. They said, "You might have taken hundreds of courses and earned a good GPA, but apart from drafting in CAD, you only have superficial knowledge in everything." They came prepared.

These two young men were unethical. It's not right to deceive and attack a 69-year-old comrade. I advise you young people to reflect deeply and not to act so cunningly. The manufacturing industry should value harmony and ethics, not internal strife.
