Some open-source tools/plugins for android development

发布于 2021-07-03 / 325 阅读

Some open-source tools/plugins for android development

These are some open source tools i am using recently, just write them down.

1. Firstly, in mainland China, I need to use maven mirror.

    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
        maven { url '' }
        maven { url "" }

2. Some Tools:

  • Glide: Can be used when I get image or video URLs from server, it can load them to the View. GitHub Address
  • okhttp: Handle GET/POST GitHub Address
  • Banner: A rotating container that can be customized. GitHub Address
  • lombok: Don't need to talk more. pojo.
  • fastjson: Convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. GitHub Address

3. Some plugins:

  • GsonFormatPlus: IntelliJ and Android Studio. Automatically generate model class from Json string. Install in IDE.
