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让IntelliJ IDEA压缩CSS/JS文件

2021-07-27 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 592 阅读 / 3891 字


最近开始个性化本博客网站的前端。为了提高网页加载速度,需要将写好的JS/CSS代码进行压缩。为了压缩代码,每次我都需要去访问对应的工具网站,非常麻烦。所以我计划让开发工具IntelliJ IDEA自己直接压缩JS/CSS代码

Recently, I started personalizing the front-end resources of this blog. In order to improve the page loading speed, I need to compress JS/CSS codes. It is annoying that each time when I need the compression, I need to visit the corresponding website. So, I plan to make my IDE IntelliJ IDEA compress the JS/CSS code itself.


1. 找到合适工具

YUI Compressor会是一个很好的压缩工具。下载地址:

Download YUI Compressor

然后把jar包放在一个能找到的目录下,例如: ~/opt/plugins Then put the JAR package in a directory that is easy to find, for instance: ~/opt/plugins

2. 配置IDEA

2.1 安装YUI Compressor到IDEA

File >> Settings >> Tools >> ExternalTools >> 分别新建js和css压缩

Screen Shot 20210728 at 12.36.46 AM.jpg

Arguments: -jar 路径/yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar --type js --charset utf-8 $FilePath$ -o $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.js

类似地,对于css压缩: Screen Shot 20210728 at 12.40.37 AM.jpg

Arguments: -jar 路径/yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar --type css --charset utf-8 $FilePath$ -o $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.css

2.2 运行

右键js或css文件,执行相应命令就OK了。 Right click js or CSS file, run. Screen Shot 20210728 at 12.41.50 AM.jpg

3. 压缩执行自动化

每次更改完js和css文件,怎么能让IDEA自动执行压缩工作呢? How can we make IDEA perform JS/CSS compression automatically every time we change them?

3.1 安装IDEA插件 File Watcher.

在' File/settings/plugins ',搜索一个叫做' File Watcher '的插件,它允许执行由文件修改触发的任务。

At File/settings/plugins, search for a plugin called File Watcher, which allows executing tasks triggered by file modifications.

Screen Shot 20210728 at 12.24.22 AM.jpg

3.2 配置File Watchers的YUI Compressor模板

打开设置里的Tools->File Watchers,添加<custom>

Screen Shot 20210728 at 12.51.12 AM.jpg

配置自动压缩CSSScreen Shot 20210728 at 12.50.30 AM.jpg

# CSS参考
Name: YUI Compressor CSS
File type: Cascading Style Sheet
Scope: Project Files
Program: YUI Compressor 的jar包目录
# 在文件的同目录下生成xxx.min.css
Arguments: $FileName$ -o $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.css
Output paths to refresh: $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.css

配置自动压缩JS: 类似地,只是配置变一下: Similarly, only a little changes:

# JS参考
Name: YUI Compressor JS
File type: JavaScript
Scope: Project Files
Program: YUI Compressor 的jar包目录
# 在文件的同目录下生成xxx.min.js
Arguments: $FileName$ -o $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.js
Output paths to refresh: $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.js


舒服了,不用再专门找网站压缩JS/CSS了。 Cool! I'm really a lazy guy.

