发布于 2022-10-27 / 152 阅读

Preparing Declarative Programming Exam -- Haskell

Cheat Sheet




f :: Int -> Int
-- definition of f here
f x = x ^ 2 + 2 * x + 4

g :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
g x y = x * y


We have already seen a few of Haskell’s built-in basic types:

  • Int,

  • Integer, and

  • Bool.
    There are many more which you might expect, including:

  • Char,

  • String,

  • Float, and

  • Double.
    You may have noticed that all these types begin with a capital letter. This is actually a general rule, with only a small number of exceptions.

  • list: [Int]

  • tuple: (Int,Char) is the type ‘pairs of one integer and one character’. a list lets you store any number of values of one type a tuple lets you store a fixed number of values of different (but fixed) types

type equivals

type Pair = (Int,Int)
  • String is a type synonym for [Char]


type Message = ([Char], Int)

valid :: Message -> Bool
valid (msg, mID) = correctLength && noSpaces && validID
        correctLength = (length msg <= 140)
        noSpaces      = not (elem ' ' msg)
        validID       = mID >= 1000 && mID <= 9999

type variables

qsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
qsort [] = []
qsort (pivot:others) = (qsort lowers) ++ [pivot] ++ (qsort highers)
    where lowers  = filter (<pivot)  others
          highers = filter (>=pivot) others


fact :: Integer -> Integer
fact n
    | n < 0     = 0
    | n == 0    = 1
    | otherwise = n * fact (n-1)

let in

在一个表达式里赋值,类似于where. 在let 分句定义变量,最后结果以in后的表达式为准。

pack (x:xs) = let (first,rest) = span (==x) xs
               in (x:first) : pack rest
pack [] = []




  • range [1,2…6] gives [1,2,3,4,5,6]
  • brutal range
range_list :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
range_list min max
  | min > max = []
  | otherwise = min : range_list (min+1) max
  • recursive list
sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum []     = 0
sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs


data MyBool = MyTrue | MyFalse

mynot :: MyBool -> MyBool
mynot MyTrue = MyFalse
mynot MyFalse = MyTrue

data Point = Pt Float Float

-- invert: reflect a point (x,y) in the line x = y
invert :: Point -> Point
invert (Pt x y) = Pt y x

data Font_Color
    = Name String | Hex Int | RGB Int Int Int
data Font_Attribute = Font_Size Int | Font_Face String | Font_Color Font_Color

data Font_tag = [Font_Attribute]

recursive data type

data List a = ListNode a (List a) | ListEnd

-- define your function here
-- don't forget the type signature!

mymaximum  :: Ord a => List a -> a
mymaximum (ListNode a ListEnd) = a
mymaximum  (ListNode x xs)
 | (mymaximum  xs) > x = mymaximum  xs
 | otherwise = x
  • derive
data MyBool = MyTrue | MyFalse
    deriving (Eq, Show)

data List a = ListNode a (List a) | ListEnd
    deriving (Eq, Show)

show converts from values to string representations, and is used when ghci prints out the result of a function call for you


maybeApply :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
maybeApply f Nothing = Nothing
maybeApply f (Just x) = Just (f x)


maybeApply (+1) (Just 41)
maybeApply (+1) Nothing

To remove the Just from the head of a string result, use IO:

data ChessPiece = ChessPiece PieceColour PieceRank
toPieceColour :: Char -> Maybe PieceColour
toPieceColour 'B' = Just Black
toPieceColour 'W' = Just White
toPieceColour _   = Nothing

toPieceRank :: Char -> Maybe PieceRank
toPieceRank 'K' = Just King
toPieceRank 'Q' = Just Queen
toPieceRank 'R' = Just Rook
toPieceRank 'B' = Just Bishop
toPieceRank 'N' = Just Knight
toPieceRank 'P' = Just Pawn
toPieceRank _   = Nothing

-- 不报错
-- toChessPiece :: String -> Maybe ChessPiece
-- toChessPiece str =
--     case filter (/=' ') str of
--       [c,r] -> do
--         colour <- toPieceColour c
--         rank   <- toPieceRank r
--         return $ ChessPiece colour rank
--       _ -> Nothing

-- 报错 expected type ‘PieceColour’ with actual type ‘Maybe PieceColour’
toChessPiece str =
    case filter (/=' ') str of
      [c,r] -> 
        ChessPiece (toPieceColour c) (toPieceRank r)
      _ -> Nothing

Alpha expression

linearEqn :: Num a => a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
linearEqn m n list = map (\x -> m*x + n) list

simulate while loop

int mccarthy_91(int n)
    int c = 1;
    while (c != 0) {
        if (n > 100) {
            n = n - 10;
        } else {
            n = n + 11;
    return n;
-- The main challenge is the while loop. For the sake of illustration we
-- will solve a more general problem. Consider the following generic while
-- loop in C which updates variable x in each iteration:
-- while (cond(x))
--    x = next_version_of(x);
-- x = final_version_of(x);

-- It can be translated into Haskell as follows

mywhile x =
  if cond x then mywhile (next_version_of x)
  else final_version_of x

-- In the C code there are two variables, so we can make x a pair and use
-- the follo wing definitions of cond, next_version_of and final_version_of:

cond (c,n) = c /= 0
next_version_of (c,n) =
  if n > 100 then (c-1, n-10) else (c+1, n+11)

-- We simply have to call mywhile with the initial versions of c and n:

final_version_of (c,n) = n

mccarthy_91 :: Int -> Int
mccarthy_91 n = mywhile (1, n)



putStr :: String -> IO ()
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
print :: Show a => a -> IO ()
return :: a -> IO a


getChar :: IO Char
getLine :: IO String

File IO

  = readFile "inp"                     >>= \s -> 
    writeFile "outp" (filter isAscii s) >> 
    putStr "Filtering successful\n"

Do Notation

import Data.Char(isAscii)

  = do
      putStr "Input file: "
      ifile <- getLine
      putStr "Output file: "
      ofile <- getLine
      s <- readFile ifile
      writeFile ofile (filter isAscii s)
      putStrLn "All done"

To ignore indentation:

import Data.Char(isAscii)
  = do
      { putStr "Input file: "
      ; ifile <- getLine
      ; putStr "Output file: "
      ; ofile <- getLine
      ; s <- readFile ifile
      ; writeFile ofile (filter isAscii s)
      ; putStrLn "All done"

other example

module Main where

import Data.Char
import System.Random

--  'main' selects a word to be guessed, then enters a dialogue with the
--  user to help them determine the secret word:
main :: IO ()
  = do
      dict <- readFile "words.txt"   -- get contents of file "words.txt"
      let words = lines dict         -- separate it into lines (here: words)
      let len = length words         -- count how many words we have
      play words len                 -- now play the game

--  The function 'play' allows the user to play again and again:
play :: [String] -> Int -> IO ()
play words n
  = do
      putStr "Want a challenge (y/n)? "
      answer <- getLine
      if (head answer) == 'y'
          putStrLn "Okay, here it is:"
          ran <- getStdRandom (randomR (0,n-1))  -- random number in range
          let w = words!!ran                     -- w is the secret word;
          solve w []                             -- [] initial list of guesses
          play words n
          putStrLn "Okay, bye"
          return ()

--  The interactive solver loop:
solve :: String -> String -> IO ()
solve word guesses
  = do
      let indic = indicator word guesses
      putStr ("         " ++ indic)
      if (all isAlpha indic)
        then putStrLn ("   " ++ show (length guesses) ++ " guesses")
        else do
               putStrLn ""
               guess <- response
               solve word (guess:guesses)

indicator :: String -> String -> String
indicator w gs
  = [if c `elem` gs then c else '-' | c <- w]

--  Handling the user's input may also require a loop (if input is invalid):
response :: IO Char
  = do
      putStr "guess> "
      gs <- getLine
      if length gs == 1 && isAlpha (head gs)
        then return (toLower (head gs))
        else do
              putStrLn "Just a single letter!"

>> and >>=

  = readFile "inp"                     >>= \s -> 
    writeFile "outp" (filter isAscii s) >> 
    putStr "Filtering successful\n"

Note: Do notation is grammar sugar for >> and >>=.



Extract a given number of randomly selected elements from a list.

λ> rnd_select "abcdefgh" 3 >>= putStrLn
rnd_select xs n = do
    gen <- getStdGen
    return $ take n [ xs !! x | x <- randomRs (0, (length xs) - 1) gen]


module ChessPiece (ChessPiece, toChessPiece) where

data ChessPiece = ChessPiece PieceColour PieceRank

data PieceColour = Black | White

data PieceRank = King | Queen | Rook | Bishop | Knight | Pawn

instance Show ChessPiece where
    show (ChessPiece c r) = show c ++ show r

instance Show PieceColour where
    show Black = "B"
    show White = "W"

instance Show PieceRank where
    show King   = "K"
    show Queen  = "Q"
    show Rook   = "R"
    show Bishop = "B"
    show Knight = "N"
    show Pawn   = "P"

toChessPiece :: String -> Maybe ChessPiece
toChessPiece str =
    case filter (/=' ') str of
      [c,r] -> do
        colour <- toPieceColour c
        rank   <- toPieceRank r
        return $ ChessPiece colour rank
      _ -> Nothing

toPieceColour :: Char -> Maybe PieceColour
toPieceColour 'B' = Just Black
toPieceColour 'W' = Just White
toPieceColour _   = Nothing

toPieceRank :: Char -> Maybe PieceRank
toPieceRank 'K' = Just King
toPieceRank 'Q' = Just Queen
toPieceRank 'R' = Just Rook
toPieceRank 'B' = Just Bishop
toPieceRank 'N' = Just Knight
toPieceRank 'P' = Just Pawn
toPieceRank _   = Nothing

Data structure


see previous.


  • [x^2 | x <- [1…6]]
  • [(-x) | x <- [1…6]]
  • [even x | x <- [1…6]]
    [    x^2   | x <- [1..6] ]
     '--------' '----------'
     expression  generator


myMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
-- define your function here!
myMap f xs = [f x |x <- xs]


  • [x^2 | x <- [1…12], even x]
    [    x^2   | x <- [1..12], even x ]
     '--------' '-----------' '------'
     expression   generator    filter


checkPair :: Char -> Char -> Bool
checkPair x y
  | (x == 'A' && y == 'T') || (x == 'T' && y == 'A') = True
  | (x == 'C' && y == 'G') || (x == 'G' && y == 'C') = True
  | otherwise = False

compDNA :: String -> String -> Bool
compDNA str1 str2 = (==) (length str1) (length [x | (x,y) <- zip str1 str2, checkPair x y]) 
  • Nesting filters
l = [ x++" "++y
    | x <- ["hello", "fly away", "come back"]
    , length x > 7
    , y <- ["peter", "matthew", "paul"]
    , length y < 7


["fly away peter","fly away paul","come back peter","come back paul"]

是嵌套循环, 如果并行同时遍历需要用到zip. zip函数在之后介绍.


import Set

same_letters :: String -> String -> Bool
same_letters word1 word2 = (set word1) == (set word2)

-- copy this function into the appropriate place
-- inside Set.hs

set_intersect :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
set_intersect (Set es) b
  = set (filter (`set_elem` b) es)


data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty


size of tree

how many nodes

data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty

size :: Tree a -> Int
size Empty = 0
size (Node x l r) = 1 + size l + size r

height of tree

height which takes a binary tree and calculates its height: the number of nodes in the longest path from root to leaf.

data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty

-- define your function here
-- don't forget the type signature!
height :: Tree a -> Int
height Empty    = 0
height (Node x l r) = 1 + (max (height l) (height r))

inorder traverse into a list

data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty

-- define your function here
-- don't forget the type signature!

elements :: Tree a -> [a]
elements Empty    = []
elements (Node x l r)  = (elements l) ++ [x] ++ (elements r)

be kept in the usual binary search tree order

data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty

search :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
search x Empty = False
search x (Node y l r)
 | x == y = True
 | x < y = search x l
 | x > y = search x r

Binary insert

data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
    deriving Show

-- define your function here
-- don't forget the type signature!
insert :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
insert y Empty = (Node y Empty Empty)
insert y (Node x l r)
 | y == x    = (Node x l r)
 | y < x     = (Node x (insert y l) r)
 | otherwise = (Node x l (insert y r))

Binary build tree


Main> buildtree [4,2,6]
Node 6 (Node 2 Empty (Node 4 Empty Empty)) Empty
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Empty
    deriving Show

-- copy over your solution to the previous exercise,
-- so that you have access to the 'insert' function
insert :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
insert y Empty = (Node y Empty Empty)
insert y (Node x l r)
 | y == x    = (Node x l r)
 | y < x     = (Node x (insert y l) r)
 | otherwise = (Node x l (insert y r))

-- define your function here
-- don't forget the type signature!
buildtree :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
buildtree [] = Empty
buildtree (x:xs) = insert x (buildtree xs)

Construct Binary tree

data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Eq)
leaf x = Branch x Empty Empty

main = putStrLn $ concatMap (\t -> show t ++ "\n") balTrees
    where balTrees = filter isBalancedTree (makeTrees 'x' 4)

isBalancedTree :: Tree a -> Bool
isBalancedTree Empty = True
isBalancedTree (Branch _ l r) = abs (countBranches l - countBranches r) <= 1
                                && isBalancedTree l && isBalancedTree r
isBalancedTree _ = False

countBranches :: Tree a -> Int
countBranches Empty = 0
countBranches (Branch _ l r) = 1 + countBranches l + countBranches r

-- makes all possible trees filled with the given number of nodes
-- and fill them with the given value
makeTrees :: a -> Int -> [Tree a]
makeTrees _ 0 = []
makeTrees c 1 = [leaf c]
makeTrees c n = lonly ++ ronly ++ landr
    where lonly  = [Branch c t Empty | t <- smallerTree]
          ronly = [Branch c Empty t | t <- smallerTree]
          landr = concat [[Branch c l r | l <- fst lrtrees, r <- snd lrtrees] | lrtrees <- treeMinusTwo]
          smallerTree = makeTrees c (n-1)
          treeMinusTwo = [(makeTrees c num, makeTrees c (n-1-num)) | num <- [0..n-2]]

Expression Tree


         /     \
      (-)       (+)
     /   \     /   \
   (x)   (3) (1)   (1)
  /   \
(4)   (6)
data Expr
    = Number Int
    | Plus   Expr Expr
    | Minus  Expr Expr
    | Times  Expr Expr
    | Divide Expr Expr


data Expr
    = Number Int
    | Plus   Expr Expr
    | Minus  Expr Expr
    | Times  Expr Expr
    | Divide Expr Expr

-- define your function here
-- don't forget the type signature!
evaluate :: Expr -> Int
evaluate (Number x) = x
evaluate (Plus x y) = evaluate x + evaluate y
evaluate (Minus x y) = evaluate x - evaluate y
evaluate (Times x y) = evaluate x * evaluate y
evaluate (Divide x y) = div (evaluate x) (evaluate y)



fib :: Int -> Int
-- define fib function here
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib x = fib (x - 1) + fib (x - 2)


fact :: Integer -> Integer
fact n
    | n < 0     = 0
    | n == 0    = 1
    | otherwise = n * fact (n-1)

leap year

leap :: Int -> Bool
leap year
    | year `mod` 4   /= 0 = False
    | year `mod` 100 /= 0 = True
    | year `mod` 400 /= 0 = False
    | otherwise           = True


-- 'xor' is really just the same as
-- 'not equals' for Booleans:

xor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
xor x y = x /= y

-- That was too easy!
-- Here are some alternative solutions:

-- By enumerating all patterns:

xor' False False = False
xor' False True  = True
xor' True  False = True
xor' True  True  = False


-- Define your myHead and myTail functions here
myHead [] = error "no head for null"
myHead (x:_) = x

myTail [] = error "no tail for null"
myTail (_:xs) = xs


last [x] = x

last (x:xs) = last xs


append [] lst = lst
append (e:es) lst = e : append es lst


-- Define your myReverse function here
append [] lst = lst
append (e:es) lst = e:append es lst

myReverse []    = []
myReverse (x:xs) = append (myReverse xs) [x]


Implement a function getNthElem which takes an integer n and a list, and returns the nth element of the list.

getNthElem n [] = error "n was too big in getn"
getNthElem n (x:xs)
   | n > 1     = getNthElem (n-1) xs
   | n == 1    = x
   | otherwise = error "n was too small in getn"


isEven 0 = True
isEven 1 = False
isEven (n + 2) = isEven n

-- or
evn :: Int -> Bool
evn x = (x `mod` 2 == 0)


maximum :: [Int] -> Int
maximum [x] = x
maximum (x:xs)
    | x > maxxs = x
    | otherwise = maxxs
    where maxxs = maximum xs
search :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
search x [] = False
search x (y:ys)
    | x == y    = True
    | otherwise = search x ys


bsearch :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
bsearch x [] = False
bsearch x list
    | x == mid_val    = True
    | x < mid_val     = bsearch x (take mid_index list)
    | otherwise       = bsearch x (drop (mid_index + 1) list)
    where mid_index = div (length list) 2
          mid_val = list !! mid_index


qsort :: [Int] -> [Int]
qsort [] = []
qsort (pivot:others) = (qsort lowers) ++ [pivot] ++ (qsort highers)
    where lowers  = filter (<pivot)  others
          highers = filter (>=pivot) others

merge sort, msort

msort :: [Int] -> [Int]
msort [] = []
msort [x] = [x]
msort xs = merge (msort lefts) (msort rights)
    where lefts = take mid_index xs
          rights = drop mid_index xs
          mid_index = (length xs) `div` 2

merge :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
merge [] ys = ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge (x:xs) (y:ys)
    | x < y    = x:merge xs (y:ys)
    | otherwise  = y:merge (x:xs) ys


data Tree a = Empty | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)

treesort::  Ord a => [a] -> [a]
treesort xs = tree_inorder (list_to_bst xs)

list_to_bst:: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
list_to_bst [] = Empty
list_to_bst (x:xs) = bst_insert x (list_to_bst xs)

bst_insert:: Ord a => a  -> Tree a -> Tree a
bst_insert i Empty = Node Empty i Empty
bst_insert i (Node l v r)
        | i <= v = (Node (bst_insert i l) v r)
        | i  > v = (Node l v (bst_insert i r))

tree_inorder:: Tree a -> [a]
tree_inorder Empty = []
tree_inorder (Node l v r) = tree_inorder l ++ (v:(tree_inorder r))

set equal

takes two lists of integers and checks if they are made from the same set of distinct elements.

import Data.List

setEq :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
setEq xs ys = sort (nub xs) == sort (nub ys)



Main> freqs [2,2,1,3,4,4,4]
import Data.List

freqs :: [Int] -> [Int]
freqs xs = map length group_res
    where group_res = group (sort xs)


returns the longest common prefix of two lists.
ie: When applied to “extras” and “extreme”, the function should return “extr”.

longestPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
longestPrefix [] _ = []
longestPrefix _ [] = []
longestPrefix (x:xs) (y:ys)
  | x == y    = x:(longestPrefix xs ys)
  | otherwise = []

list built-ins

  • length computes the number of elements in a list
  • reverse reverse a list
  • null returns True if a list is empty, and False otherwise
  • the !! operator gets the nth element of a list, as in [1,2,3,4] !! 2, which gives us 3 (note zero-based list indexing).
  • the ++ operator joins two lists together, as in [1,2] ++ [3,4], which gives us [1,2,3,4]

head and tail separate a list into its first and remaining elements:

       1  [2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10]
head --'   <--------------tail-------------->

last and init do just the opposite:

[1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9]  10
 <---------------init------------>   '-- last

take n and drop n split the list at an arbitrary point. For example, using 4 for n:

[1,  2,  3,  4] [5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10]
 <--take 4--->   <-------drop 4------->


已集成。 zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip takes two lists and returns a list of pairs of elements, where the elements in each pair share the same list index.

dot xs ys = sum [x*y | (x, y) <- zip xs ys]


concat [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6], []]


replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]

replicate 4 True


>>> concatMap (take 3) [[1..], [10..], [100..], [1000..]]

Data.List built-ins

import Data.List
  • group separates a list into sublists of adjacent, matching numbers. For example, group [1,1,3,3,2,1] gives [[1,1],[3,3],[2],[1]].
  • nub removes all duplicates from a list. That is, nub [1,1,3,3,2,1] gives [1,3,2].
  • delete x removes the first occurrence of x from a list. For example, delete 3 [2,3,4,3] gives [2,4,3].
  • The operator \\ deletes each of the elements of one list from another list: [1,2,3,2] \\ [2,1] gives [3,2].
  • map
map (\e -> e*e) x
  • dropWhile
    dropWhile p xs returns the suffix remaining after takeWhile p xs.
    Warning: 一旦条件不满足,则dropWhile的drop操作停止,其余的不做判断全部返回
>>> dropWhile (< 3) [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3]
>>> dropWhile (< 9) [1,2,3]
>>> dropWhile (< 0) [1,2,3]
  • span
>>> span (< 3) [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]
>>> span (< 9) [1,2,3]
>>> span (< 0) [1,2,3]



λ> combinations 3 "abcdef"
combinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations 0 _ = [[]]
combinations n xs = [ xs !! i : x | i <- [0..(length xs)-1] 
                                  , x <- combinations (n-1) (drop (i+1) xs) ]


import Prelude
choose :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
choose x y = div (product [1..x]) ((product [1..y]) * (product [1..(x - y)]))


Main> choose 6 3

Sort By

Sorting a list of lists according to length of sublists

λ> lsort ["abc","de","fgh","de","ijkl","mn","o"]
import List

lsort :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lsort = sortBy (\xs ys -> compare (length xs) (length ys))
