injection, surjection and bijection
Equivalence, paradigm, and inference calculus in predicate logic.
Predicate logic
Remove redundant .DS_Store in Git.
As a programmer, how to ask for help?
The isolation level of database transactions.
常用AbsorptionP ∧ P ≡ PP ∨ P ≡ PCommutativityP ∧ Q ≡ Q ∧ PP ∨ Q ≡ Q ∨ PAssociativityP ∧ (Q ∧ R) ≡ (P ∧ Q) ∧ RP ∨ (Q ∨ R) ≡ (P ∨ Q) ∨ RDistributivityP ∧
Symbols and examples of propositional logic